Marisa Sheldon and Christine Happel, working at The Ohio State University’s College of Social Work’s Age-Friendly Innovation Center, are spreading a message they want everyone to hear.

Leading Age-Friendly Columbus and Franklin County, they consider themselves “aspiring older adults.” They are involving people of all ages in reframing aging.

Through their #ButtonUpAgeism campaign, which involves crafting buttons with age-positive messages, they’ve engaged thousands of individuals. This includes older adults, aging services professionals, Age-Friendly Scholars, and local school students.

One button, created by a middle school student, reads, “Aging is Rad!” Another popular button, brainstormed by Christine, goes viral with its slogan, “Aging: So Cool Everyone is Doing It!”

This phrase has gained traction in age-friendly communities, the Ohio Statehouse, and beyond.

Christine attributes the phrase’s popularity to its playful nature and its inclusive appeal. Despite the weight of addressing societal “isms,” this light-hearted button encourages people to share their experiences and perceptions of aging, fostering dialogue and understanding.

Looking Forward Our Way celebrates this phrase because it promotes the idea of shared aging experiences and fosters a more nuanced conversation about aging in society. By changing the dialogue surrounding aging, perceptions will shift, leading to changes in community policies and benefiting everyone.

Check out our previous episodes with Age-Friendly Columbus and Franklin County, including:

Age-Friendly Innovation Center: Building Services and Support Networks

What is An Age-Friendly Community?

And other related episodes regarding age-friendly topics.

Housing Laws and Options for Older Adults

Education Barriers for Adult Students and Job Seekers

2023 Property Tax Reappraisal Process