We welcome Russ Brand and Chad Greenwald, the passionate individuals behind this unique music education program that has been making waves in the community. Throughout the episode, they discuss the core values, transformative experiences, and the continuous growth of School of Rock Columbus.

Passion and fun are the driving forces behind School of Rock Columbus. Russ and Chad believe that when you combine work with enjoyment, it greatly benefits the students. They understand that learning music extends beyond mastering instruments and techniques. By fostering an environment where students can have fun and express themselves, School of Rock Columbus also becomes a platform for building friendships and acquiring essential life skills.

What Makes School of Rock Columbus Unique?

What sets School of Rock Columbus apart is their authenticity and genuine care for its students’ growth. They prioritize creating a community that reflects their passion, compassion, openness, and the ability to be oneself. The sole focus is not on making money, but rather on developing children who share their love for music. School of Rock Columbus believes that the more music they generate within the community, the better the community becomes.

The school’s approach revolves around the belief that music should be educational and enjoyable. Learning techniques, scales, and theory through songs allow students to not only improve their musical skills but also immerse themselves in the joy of creating music. This holistic approach is evident in the various performance groups they have formed, catering to different age ranges and musical genres.

Both children and adults actively participate in the program, with even an adult band taking center stage at end-of-season shows. The camaraderie and support among participants from different age groups is truly remarkable.

Check out the end-of-season show to be held on January 21, 2024 at the Santos Restaurant and Bar; 1079 N High St, Columbus, OH 43201  https://www.santos614.com/   Call School of Rock for more details!  

Don’t forget to take advantage of their “gift” just for listening to this podcast!

You can be the winner of a free “Immersion Pack”; that is 4 lessons at 45 minutes each for free!!!!  But you need to listen to the full podcast to find out how to win this package!

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Recorded in Studio C at 511 Studios. A production of Circle270Media Podcast Consultants.

Copyright 2023 Carol Ventresca and Brett Johnson
