How New Directions Career Center Provides Unique Support for the 55+ Community Amidst Post-Pandemic Challenges

The Post-Pandemic Shift

The COVID-19 pandemic reshaped the job market in dramatic ways. This led to the closure of numerous programs tailored to assist job seekers. One such program, Employment For Seniors (EFS), became a casualty. But EFS found new life under the aegis of the New Directions Career Center.

In this episode of the “Looking Forward Our Way” podcast, special guests Kat Cochrane-Yamaguchi and Jami Phillips, delve into how New Directions is paving the way for older job seekers. They are offering targeted services and innovative approaches to career development.

New Directions Career Center: A Legacy of Empowerment

Since its inception in 1980, New Directions Career Center has been a beacon for individuals seeking career advancement. Initially catering to women, the center has since expanded its services to include men and older adults. This is reflecting the evolving needs of the workforce. Kat Yamaguchi and Jami Phillips bring extensive expertise in nonprofit program development and job support to the table, ensuring that the center’s comprehensive offerings remain relevant and impactful.

Unique Challenges for Older Job Seekers

Older adults face distinctive hurdles in the job market, from communicating transferable skills to adapting to online application processes. The shift toward automation and remote interviews adds another layer of complexity. Yet, despite the high demand for qualified candidates, older job seekers often find themselves at a disadvantage. New Directions Career Center addresses these challenges head-on. They offer programs that help bridge the gap and empower this demographic to re-enter the workforce.

In-Person Workshops: Building Skills and Community

One of the standout features of the New Directions program is its in-person workshops. As Kat Yamaguchi notes, these sessions cover an array of crucial topics. Such as resume strengthening, social media branding, and job-seeking tools like LinkedIn and Indeed. The week-long program, “World of Work Week for 55 Plus,” equips participants with practical skills and fosters a sense of community and support. There’s inherent value in learning alongside peers facing similar challenges, creating an environment where participants can bond and share experiences.

Comprehensive Career Counseling

Beyond workshops, New Directions offers one-on-one career counseling for job seekers at various stages of their career exploration. These personalized sessions help individuals discover their core values, set realistic goals, and explore flexible career options. Carol Ventresca emphasizes the importance of ongoing training, reskilling, and upskilling, facilitated through partnerships with organizations like Employment for Seniors. These resources are often free, debunking the misconception that older individuals cannot learn new skills.

Addressing Technological Barriers

The digital divide remains a significant barrier for many older job seekers. New Directions addresses this by offering access to laptops, an internet connection, and a safe space for individuals to work and attend online classes and workshops. Additionally, the center provides specialized programming on topics such as artificial intelligence (AI) and its impact on the workplace. Kat Yamaguchi highlights the growing need for workshops that demystify AI and equip job seekers with relevant skills.

Employer Relationships: Bridging the Gap

New Directions also plays a crucial role in establishing and maintaining relationships with employers. Jami Phillips discusses how the center facilitates frank conversations with employers to highlight the strengths and needs of older candidates. The pandemic has fostered a greater openness to part-time work, job sharing, and flexible hours. This making it easier for older adults to negotiate job requirements and advocate for themselves.

Accessibility and Support

One of the central tenets of NDCC is the accessibility of its services. Both Kat Yamaguchi and Carol Ventresca stress that cost should never be a barrier to access. So many of the center’s programs are free. Clients have the option to contribute as a testament to the value they derive from the services. The emphasis is on client trust and the significance of individualized support.

Embracing New Directions

In closing, the hosts encourage listeners to tap into the wealth of resources offered by New Directions Career Center. Whether it’s through in-person workshops, one-on-one counseling, or specialized programs aimed at bridging the digital divide, the center stands as a pillar of support for older job seekers navigating the complexities of the modern job market. With a steadfast belief in the value of older workers and a commitment to fostering equitable opportunities, NDCC is truly leading the way.


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Recorded in Studio C at 511 Studios. A production of Circle270Media Podcast Consultants.

Copyright 2024 Carol Ventresca and Brett Johnson