Our expert guests Marilyn Bury-Rice, Sharon Hamersley, Rebecca Heslep, Jill Kulman, Darlene Ziebell, and Kelly Fuller, provide valuable insights and tips for job seekers. The episode focuses on various essential aspects of the job search process. From creating a strong resume to utilizing effective networking strategies.

The episode emphasizes the importance of being mindful of social media presence, particularly during politically charged times.

The Importance of Networking in Your Job Search

Furthermore, the significance of networking and informational interviews is highlighted as essential for job seekers. The hosts stress the importance of believing in oneself and presenting confidence during the job search and interview process. Guest Kelly Fuller provides three key tips for job seekers. These include applying for jobs even if they don’t meet all the requirements, utilizing LinkedIn for networking, and conducting thorough research on companies they want to work for.

As the episode progresses, Marilyn Bury-Rice shares valuable tips for job seekers over 50. She emphasizes the importance of assessing accomplishments and skills, being strategic in job applications, and finding confidence in their experience. This provides valuable insights for older job seekers, highlighting unique considerations for this demographic.

Strategy and Processes

Focus on utilizing the resume strategically for job searches and networking and an important job search strategy. Sharon Hamersley advises against applying to jobs without a strategy to avoid frustration and burnout. She emphasizes the significance of having a clear plan before embarking on the job search process.

The episode also delves into the role of resumes in the job search process. Rebecca Heslep highlights the importance of attention to detail in resume writing. This includes spelling and grammar, organizing content chronologically, and tailoring the resume to the specific job applied for. Additionally, we discuss the significance of having others review resumes for accuracy and making a good first impression. Also consider tools like Grammarly for assistance.

Jill Kulman provides valuable advice, emphasizing the importance of updating resumes and utilizing the process sign for various steps in the job search strategy. Furthermore, Darlene Ziebell advises against posting inappropriate material on social media. She also discourages sending generic cover letters, and solely relying on online job searches. She also highlights the significance of networking and tailored cover letters for job applications.

Listeners are encouraged to check the show notes on the website for contact information and resources discussed, as well as to share feedback on the podcast episodes.

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Recorded in Studio C at 511 Studios. A production of Circle270Media Podcast Consultants.

Copyright 2024 Carol Ventresca and Brett Johnson
