Featuring Sharon Hamersley, The Resume and LinkedIn Coach with more on successful job searching in 2023.

Job searching in 2023 will be like no other time in your career. We welcome Sharon Hamersley, The LinkedIn Coach and The Resume Coach to talk us through what will be important in a successful job search in 2023.

You’ll hear information on the issues that confront job seekers and what to expect in 2023. Plus we are focusing on three areas:

  • Resumes
  • Cover Letters and other documents including networking letters
  • Follow up to applications and thank you docs

The most important document in successful job searching is a resume.

We review what has changed in resumes over the past few years. Then what do we need to ensure is part of our 2023 resume?

There are other items that are integral to a solid job application, particularly cover letters. There have been so many changes in cover letters over the years, and no one likes to write them. Are they necessary?

What else is on the list to create with the goal of employment change or transition or even a promotion? How about the importance of follow-up and thank-you notes?

Older job seekers experience ageism in job searching.

They have difficulty showing technology aptitude, and often cannot clearly show their skill levels. But in this economy, employers need all qualified candidates. How can older job seekers establish their credentials to move their applications toward successful employment?

One of the most important issues creating change in our current workforce is salary levels. Many employees are leaving jobs for higher salaries. Some are attempting to work with their employer for increases. Are there tips on how older job seekers should approach these situations?

And finally, social media has taken a larger and larger role in the application/hiring process. Sharon shares tips on the value of social media and how to make the most of your “tweets”!