Inspired by the advocacy needed later in life by her beloved grandparents, Larae Schraeder started Schraeder Law LLC, to specialize in estate planning and as an elder law attorney. Larae focuses on helping clients of all ages plan for the later-in-life issues her own family faced without legal counsel.

Many of us have had to move through the difficult steps of making decisions with our parents regarding housing and downsizing. A more critical situation is determining the legal steps you should take. Whether they occur before or after the passing of a family member.
In this episode, we want to help you understand the important legal steps you should be discussing with family. And the ramifications should decisions not be made. And how they can be lessened by an elder law attorney.
There are critical times we tend to avoid, even run from.
Our aging parents, grandparents, or other family members need to live safe, healthy lives. If we educate ourselves on the resources available to us, we could avoid future crises.
Yet we often wait too long and a crisis occurs.
Larae explains how she talks her clients through the basic legal steps like wills and a power-of-attorney.
“End of life” is not the only transition we should prepare for with an elder law attorney.
Sudden illness or accidents can require healthcare directives. Mental and behavioral health issues, such as Alzheimer’s, can certainly change the dynamics of a family.
Larae talks about the various documents that can guide them through such situations. These include wills, trusts, estates, healthcare power of attorney, power of attorney and more.
It seems that the most important step a family can take is to communicate clearly with each other.
These discussions can be very difficult. People are fearful of the future. Or “losing” – their home, their “things,” their freedoms, or even facing death. Larae gives some advice on how family members can support each other. But at the same time, make the decisions needed to secure their financial security along with safe living conditions.
Individuals will make decisions and hopefully their family will be supportive. However, there are issues which may be more difficult to understand.
If there is a will, does Probate Court still step-in and why? And more importantly, if there is no will or estate, what are the ramifications?
There are other issues affecting older adults in our community. Those can include senior scams, elder abuse, and even age discrimination in the workplace. Although these are not areas that she normally assist, Larae has some great advice on who to contact.
Here is the resource guide we mention in the podcast.
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Recorded in Studio C at 511 Studios. A production of Circle270Media Podcast Consultants.