Featuring Anthony Santilli from the Fangs & Fur Podcast.

The Rise of Raw Food Diets

While dry pet food is heavily promoted, raw food companies face significant roadblocks to accessing college and university veterinarian students. We take a closer look at the reasons behind this disparity. And we examine the growing evidence of the health benefits associated with raw food diets for pets. The testimonies from satisfied customers whose dogs have thrived on this alternative approach leave a lasting impression.

A Clash of Perspectives – Vets and Pet Nutrition

We shine a spotlight on an alarming knowledge gap within the veterinary community when it comes to nutrition. Many veterinarians receive inadequate education on this critical aspect. This leads to potentially harmful advice or missed opportunities for optimal pet care. We explore the dichotomy between vets who resist change and those who embrace the positive results raw feeding.

The Secrets Hidden in Pet Food Labels

Did you know that the ingredients listed on pet food labels can be misleading? We expose the truth behind this deceptive practice and offer insights into how to decipher the ingredient list accurately. By truly understanding what goes into our pets’ food, we can make informed choices that prioritize their health and well-being.

The Dark Side of the Pet Food Industry

Prepare for a startling revelation as we unveil the shocking realities of the pet food industry. From the use of questionable ingredients sourced from rendering facilities to the loose regulations surrounding labeling, we expose the hidden truths that will leave you reevaluating your pet’s diet choices.

Breaking Free – The Power of DIY Healthy Pet Food

We challenge the notion that natural and real food for pets is always more expensive. We explore the cost-effective option of reducing kibble intake and highlight the potential benefits. This includes reduced veterinary costs and improved overall health. Expert advice from Dr. Judy Morgan and her famous pup loaf recipe further underscores the viability of DIY raw food diets for our beloved furry companions.

An Evolution of Passions – The Birth of Fangs & Fur

Anthony’s desire to empower pet owners with the knowledge they need contributes to the compelling narrative that brought the Fangs & Fur retail store and podcast to life.

Beyond Companionship – The Impact of Pets on Human Well-being

We delve into the profound impact pets have on human lives, particularly for older adults facing limited socialization opportunities. The physical and emotional benefits of pet ownership, including increased activity levels and improved overall well-being, are explored in depth, highlighting the importance of these relationships.

From challenging the status quo to examining the power of raw diets and shedding light on the secrets of the pet food industry, this episode offers a thought-provoking exploration of an often overlooked aspect of pet care.

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Recorded in Studio C at 511 Studios. A production of Circle270Media Podcast Consultants.

Copyright 2023 Carol Ventresca and Brett Johnson