The Warning Signs of Senior Scams
What are senior scams? How do they happen? And the implication of financial stability, and mental well-being of seniors.
Creativity In The Arts Despite The Pandemic, Pt 1
What has been the most dramatic adjustment made with the creativity in the arts to keep the public engaged and interested?
The Future Of Our Workforce In A Pandemic, Pt 2
We look at the issue of skills in our workforce and the concerns from employers on finding skilled workers. Plus, we cover resources available to local employers to assist in finding skilled workers.
Job Searching In A Pandemic, Pt 2
Today, we are in a whole new situation with job searching — pandemic job searching within a pandemic workforce stagnation.
The Future Of Our Workforce In A Pandemic, Pt 1
Our workforce and our economy are always at the forefront. We all want to know if our jobs are secure, or one is coming our way.
Job Searching In A Pandemic, Part 1
We cover questions on the tools we need in order to have a successful job search in today’s market, starting with tips for your resume.
What’s New In Today’s Senior Housing
We all know the difficulty in today’s senior housing market across the country. We discuss multi-unit senior housing communities with Joel Wrobbel, Director of Marketing for Ohio Living Westminster-Thurber Community.